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The hayfever season – starting as early as January – is coincident with large numbers of people looking to their pharmacy for help. To cope with this influx, pharmacy teams need to be on the ball with OTC solutions and remedies.

26 Mar 2024 , 15 Min Module

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Hayfever 2023

As the hayfever season comes around again, people will be turning to their local pharmacy for support. It's important for teams to be on hand with advice and OTC recommendations to help relieve symptoms.

17 Apr 2023 , 15 Min Module

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Pharmacy and chronic pain management

10 million Britons suffer with pain almost every day, affecting their ability to work. Would a formal pain service in pharmacy be a good idea?


07 Sep 2016 , 4 Min Article

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Muscle and joint pain

This Professional Assistant: Learn and Advise module focuses on muscle and joint pain.

11 Jul 2017 , 15 Min Module

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Manufacturer Resources

ViagraConnect learning

Improve your understanding and advice on erection problems with a host of leaning resources to help you support men's health and wellbeing

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Running your business

Painting by numbers

The latest General Pharmaceutical Services report from NHS Digital puts the numbers into community pharmacy over 10 years

08 Jan 2020 , 2 Min Article

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Population Health

Dealing with diabetes

People with diabetes are at increased risk of the complications of Covid-19 so what do you need to know?

25 May 2020 , 4 Min Article